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Reserve your 23-24 Yearbook Today!

Reserve your copy of the yearbook TODAY for only $30!

Follow these steps to reserve your copy

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Buy The Yearbook" in the top left hand corner
    • (you do NOT need to create an account)
  3. Use the dropdown options to select school information:
    • Nevada
    • Las Vegas
    • i3Learn Academy
    • (you do NOT need a school code)
  4. Click "Let's Go"
  5. Click on the Purple Box that says "Purchase Yearbooks"
  6. Enter student information and payment information.
The book you reserve today is still in production. You will NOT get your book until May. Paying now ensures that you will get a copy.
*If you would like to pay with cash, please purchase with the banker.

We DO NOT guarantee copies will be available for purchase on distribution day in May.  Reserve now so you do not end up on the waiting list - once they are gone, they are GONE!