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Students » Discipline and Tardies

Discipline and Tardies

Choose a link above to learn more about student expectations.


The essence of good discipline is respect; respect for authority, respect for others, respect for self, and respect for rules. This attitude, which begins at home, is reinforced at school, and applied throughout life.

To guarantee a good social and educational climate, it is important that students understand that acceptable standards of behavior will be expected at all times. Disciplinary action will be administered when any individual’s actions interfere with the rights of teachers to teach and students to learn.


Cyber-Bullying became a crime in Nevada effective July 1, 2010.

Cyber-bullying is a harmful, threatening or fear evoking post of text, pictures, video or anything online (or through the use of any technological device) against one person by one or more persons that is purposeful in nature and, usually, repeated over time. It is often an ORCHESTRATED attack.

Although you may not see it or feel it - it hurts emotionally, physically and socially nonetheless. Anyone caught trying to “harm, threaten or cause emotional distress to other students, teachers, or school employees” can be charged with misdemeanor offenses that may include jail time.

The law addresses cyber-bullying no matter where the act occurs and will be enforced to insure safe learning environments both at school and home. Since bullying with computers, cell phones, and websites is on the rise, the law focuses on cyber-bullying.

By placing the new law in the existing anti-bullying statute, district attorneys now have the authority to bring charges against cyber bullies.

Dress and Appearance

(CCSD Regulation 5131)

O’Callaghan Middle School requires students dress appropriately for school. Personal appearance should not disrupt or detract from the educational environment of the school. Remember, district and/or school policy:
  1. Requires students to wear shoes with soles.No flip-flops, house, pool or beach shoes.
  2. Prohibits wearing crop tops (no skin showing between bottom of shirt/blouse and top of pants or skirts), strapless, low-cut clothing, clothing with slits, or tops and outfits that provide minimum coverage (including see-through, mesh type shirts.
  3. Prohibits wearing spaghetti straps; all sleeveless shirts must have straps at least three inches (3”) wide and cover the shoulder. Sports jerseys/tank-tops may be worn with an appropriate shirt underneath.
  4. Requires that all attire be at least fingertip length. If shorts are worn, they must be hemmed and without fraying. No biker shorts, frayed jeans, spandex leggings, or other like items are permitted unless they are worn under other dress code compliant shorts or skirts.
  5. Prohibits the wearing of headgear on campus except for designated school approved uniforms or at authorized athletic practices or activities.
  6. Prohibits slogans or advertising on clothing, which by their controversial or obscene nature disrupt the educational setting. No spiked or studded clothing or jewelry is allowed.
  7. Prohibits the wearing of coats, mittens, gloves, and scarves in a CCSD building. These items must be removed before entering the classroom.
  8. Prohibits hairstyles such as, but not limited to, Mohawks in excess of 2” and unnatural hair colors, that present a distraction to the learning environment.
  9. Prohibits the sagging of any jeans and/or pants. They should fit and be worn properly. Sagging will not be permitted on school grounds or at any school related/sponsored events, and will require disciplinary action.
  10. Prohibits undergarments or clothes worn as under-garments from being visible to the public.
  11. Prohibits spiked bracelets, cloth wristbands, or any clothing wrapped around the wrist. Store bought gold/silver/etc. jewelry or watches will be acceptable but are better left home for safety.
  12. Prohibits hoods from being worn on campus under normal weather conditions. During severe cold and rainy conditions, hoods may only be worn when students are outside of any building.

NOTE – Administrative Designation:

Clark County School District requires that students not wear clothing which is either revealing or provocative. Students’ clothing may not have printed statements or pictures on it which are vulgar, obscene, related to the uses of drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, sex, or which promote hate and/or violence. Students shall not wear items which may be used as weapons, such as chained wallets, steel plated boots, or other similar attire. Any styling that distracts from the educational setting will not be allowed. Students who continually violate dress code policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

Major Violations

The following are considered to be major violations of the rules of O’Callaghan Middle School. Violation of these rules may result in dean’s detention, in-house suspension, a notice of required parent conference (RPC), and/or a formal suspension. Severe incidents or repeated violations may result in placement at Morris Behavior Program, an alternative educational program for serious offenders, or expulsion.
  1. Truancy, as defined in NRS 392.130, is stated as, “a student shall be deemed a truant who is absent from school for any part of the school day without the written approval of his teacher or the principal of the school, unless the student is physically or mentally unable to attend.” Truancy also includes leaving campus without permission and/or cutting class.
  2. Smoking on campus or possession of cigarettes, tobacco, matches, or smoking material.
  3. Gambling.
  4. Extortion, use of threat.
  5. Theft or burglary.
  6. Defacing school property (vandalism) and/ or arson.
  7. Immoral or lewd conduct, saying or writing of obscene words or symbols, or gang related language, gang signing, or any inappropriate symbols.
  8. Tardies to any class, classroom disruptions, and /or disorderly conduct.
  9. Insubordination and/or refusal to cooperate with any CCSD employee.
  10. Fighting. All students involved in a fight or incitement shall be placed on a minimum of a notice of required parent conference. At the required parent conference, consequences and future recommendations will be discussed.
  11. Wrestling and horseplay are considered fighting.
  12. The use and/or possession or distribution of alcohol, drugs or drug paraphernalia.
  13. Possession, use, transmittal, or concealment of ANY weapon or other items that may cause bodily injury or harm.
  14. Fighting/Assault/Battery may result in suspension, expulsion and/or placement in an alternative program. Disciplinary action will be taken dependent on the severity of the offense.

Minor Offenses

O’Callaghan Middle School has a strong discipline program. Students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly, courteous manner at all times. The vast majority of the time O’Callaghan students meet these expectations. However, in the event a student acts inappropriately, there will be consequences in order to make it clear that this behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Parents are invited to O’Callaghan’s Open House in the fall where presentations of the instructional and behavioral expectations are made. Parents are also encouraged to read thoroughly the informational pages contained herein. Students are reminded that any teacher or staff member in the school has the right to correct unruly individuals at any place and at any time. General discipline rules established for students in most classrooms are as follows:
  1. Students are to be punctual. Tardies are considered to be a classroom disruption.
  2. Students are to come to class prepared with appropriate materials.
  3. Students are to respect the learning rights of other students by not distracting them or the teacher.
  4. Students are to raise their hand and wait to be recognized before speaking out.

More specifically, the following infractions are deemed inappropriate.
  1. Actions which involve any physical contact and affect the safety and welfare of students are prohibited, such as, but not limited to running.
  2. School organizations and clubs occasionally sell items to raise money for their programs. Students are prohibited from selling personal items (gum, electronics, cards, etc.) or lending money on campus before, during, or after school, which is prohibited.
  3. Gum nor gum chewing are not allowed on campus in order to maintain a healthy, clean environment and to protect school furniture, floors, carpet, and personal belongings.
  4. Public display of affection (PDA) is not acceptable.Inappropriate hugging, kissing, holding hands, etc. is prohibited.
  5. Items not directly associated with the educational program (i.e. toys, radios, tape recorders, CD players, Ipods, MP3s, PSPs, Gameboys, cameras, water guns, yo-yos, balls, video games, laser pens, tapes, etc.) should not be brought to school. If students are found in possession of such items, and/or any misuse, the items may be confiscated.
The school is not responsible for any CONFISCATED items that are lost, stolen or damaged, while in the possession of any CCSD employee or a student, while being used anywhere on campus or while being stored in any school issued locker due to the student’s disobedience to any school rule. Parents are responsible for the pick-up of any confiscated items.

Teachers, counselors, dean, assistant principal, principal or designee will handle minor disciplinary offenses with one or a combination of the following: detentions, classroom or lunchroom cleanup duty, one-on-one conferences, phone calls to parents, and/or parent conferences. If minor disciplinary problems continue, they become a flagrant violation of the rules and must be handled through the Deans’ office.

Student Disruptions

The position of the Board of School Trustees of the Clark County School District with regard to student disruptions is as follows:
  1. Students are expected to go to classes or other assigned areas on schedule, or as otherwise directed by the school personnel. Students who do not comply shall be subject to disciplinary action. Students are expected not to disrupt, assault, or intimidate any other students or school personnel.
  2. Each student is responsible for his or her actions and shall be dealt with on an individual basis and not as a member of an ethnic or political group.
  3. The District shall continually work in an organized fashion to legitimately improve all program offerings, but shall not condone nor tolerate disruptive behavior by students who use curricular offerings, programs, or activities of a school as an excuse for inappropriate actions.
  4. The District will work closely with each student’s parents toward resolution of problems on an individual basis.
  5. Unauthorized persons shall not be allowed on campus and will be removed when necessary by law enforcement officials.
All necessary legal actions shall be taken by the District not only to prosecute offenders, but also to provide support and protection for all students and parents who desire, as we do, to improve the educational environment. School administrators shall call law enforcement officials when it is deemed necessary for the safety and welfare of students.
A hard copy of the student handbook is available in the Dean's office. 
New this week! Policy 5137 Requires Availability of Informational Posters and Trifold Brochures
Policy 5137, Discrimination Based on Race, Bullying, or Cyberbullying informational posters and trifolds have been revised. Schools are required to have trifolds available for the public and display posters in high-traffic areas; in addition, schools must post the information on their website.